MCAS Beaufort Aircraft Hangar and Parking Garage
Beaufort, South Carolina
This project includes the design and construction of a multi-story Type I operational aircraft maintenance facility for sixteen F-35(B) and/or F-35(C) aircraft. The facility shall include an aircraft maintenance hangar bay designed to accommodate six F-35(B) aircraft, access apron designed to accommodate twelve parked F-35(C) aircraft, shops and maintenance administration, squadron administration and operations, including data network areas, pilot brief and debrief rooms, and supporting utilities. The project also includes the design and construction of a multi-story parking garage. Site improvements include rerouting of existing utilities, utility connections, POV parking, site lighting, security fencing with associated turnstiles and gates, sidewalks, landscaping, and ATFP features. The existing aircraft concrete parking ramp will be re-striped and modified to support the F-35(C) operation.