environmental services
Since 1997, North Wind has provided environmental services to federal, state, and local agencies and tribes, as well as private industry. Projects range from small site assessments to large-scale remediation projects and support a wide variety of customers, including the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (IDEQ), and the Coeur d’Alene Trust.
North Wind offers a wide range of services ranging from cultural resources to environmental compliance and remediation to radiological instrumentation rentals to soil screening. In addition, North Wind has a reputation for completing projects in remote areas with extreme weather and geographic challenges.
Our Services
North Wind offers expertise in various archaeological and cultural resource services, including site investigations and surveys, cultural resource inventories, and the development of monitoring programs and mitigation plans. North Wind provides cultural resource services to federal, state, and tribal entities, including the Bureau of Land Management and U.S. Forest Service, as well as the private industry.
- Class I, II, and III Surveys
- Literature searches
- Archaeological site assessments
- Site inventories
- Preparation of Data Recovery Plans
- Geoarchaeological analysis
- Test excavations
- Data recovery excavations
North Wind has a broad and extensive history of supporting both federal and private sector clients in compliance with state and federal rules and regulations, including the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) (permitting, assessments, and closures); Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) (evaluations, treatment design, removal, and disposal); National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) (analysis and process administration); Clean Air Act (CAA); Clean Water Act (CWA); and Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA). Current key projects and clients include RCRA and CWA compliance support at Fort Gordon and Fort Jackson; RCRA permitting and Long-Term Monitoring Optimization (LTMO) compliance at GE Energy in Greenville, SC; CAA permitting and routine emissions inventory reporting at Schriever Air Force Base (AFB), Clear AFB, Federal-Mogul Corporation facilities in SC, TN, and VA; Wilsonart in Fletcher, NC; and Kimberly Clark in Beech Island, SC. Additionally, North Wind previously developed and implemented a Multimedia Inspection Program that identified and supported the correction of any compliance issues at the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico.
- Regulatory interpretation and compliance
- RCRA and CAA permit applications and modifications
- Air dispersion modeling analysis
- Air emission inventories
- Regulatory negotiations
- Waste management and minimization
- Pollution prevention strategies and plans
- Environmental management system planning and implementation
- ISO 14001 Compliance and Training
- ISO 14001 Lead Auditor Services
- Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) & Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plans
- Chemical management systems
- EPCRA 312/313 Reporting
- Phase I / Phase II Environmental Assessments
- Environmental compliance audits (multimedia)
- Compliance and contingency plans
- Litigation support and expert testimony
North Wind provides outstanding environmental restoration services to state and federal agencies, including the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). Such quality services include a design-build project for the DOE for the closure of a municipal landfill at the Los Alamos County Airport; assessment of 77 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Class V Underground Injection Control locations at U.S. Army facilities throughout Alaska, to determine whether contaminants were introduced into the subsurface through dry wells and septic system leach fields; and remediation of Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) hazardous waste sites at the Tooele Army and Deseret Chemical Depots, Utah.
- Groundwater and soils contamination site assessments
- Characterization, remediation, waste containerization, transportation, and safe disposition of radiologically and chemically contaminated soil and debris
- Site restoration and closure
- Landfill site assessment, cap design, and construction
- Drilling and hydrogeological services
- Groundwater monitoring
- Underground storage tank assessment, removal, and installation
- Multimedia site investigation
- Remedial investigation/feasibility studies
- Remedial design/remedial actions
- Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessments
- Contaminant removal actions
- Work planning documentation
- Geographical Information System (GIS)
- Computer-Aided Design and Drafting (CADD)
- CERCLA/RCRA support
- Regulatory and Applicable or Relevant and Appropriate Analysis
- Unexploded Ordnance (UXO)/Military Munitions Response Program (MMRP)
- Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP)
- Depleted Uranium (DU)
- Mine reclamation
- 9820 Titan PowerProbe
- 9630 VTR-M PowerProbe
North Wind has provided hazardous materials characterization, remediation, and emergency response to federal, state, and local agencies throughout the western United States for the past 12 years. Projects involving hazardous materials have ranged from remediation of wire burn sites, petroleum spills, polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) spills, drug laboratories, and unknown chemicals on public lands to mine tailings reclamation, repository design and construction, and mine or mill site re-vegetation. North Wind has demonstrated the capability and capacity to mobilize rapidly in response to an emergency hazmat situation and to immediately confine contamination, characterize the site, containerize the spill or hazard, and dispose of contaminants cost-effectively and safely.
North Wind provides exceptional natural resource services, including environmental assessments (EAs), environmental impact statements (EISs), biological assessments, botanical and wildlife field surveys, wetland delineations and mitigation planning, fire management planning, and permitting services for a diverse set of clients. Our client list includes the National Park Service, Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, various Department of Defense agencies, Idaho Transportation Department, Idaho Department of Fish and Game, several Tribal governments, as well as private industry.
- National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) services
- EAs and EISs
- Biological Assessments and Biological Evaluations
- Endangered Species Act (ESA) Consultation
- Public involvement, meeting facilitation, media relations
- Wetlands Delineation and Mitigation Planning
- Section 404 Regulatory Compliance
- Riparian Area Surveys and Analysis
- Wetland banking, restoration, and enhancement
- Realty Actions
- Land Exchange Analysis
- Land Use Planning and Monitoring
- Right-of-way and easement acquisition
- Flora and Fauna Identification and Surveys
- Threatened and Endangered (T&E) Species and Section 7 consultation
- Sensitive plant and animal species
- Large game mammals, predators, raptors, songbirds, bats, and fish
- noxious and invasive weed inventory and control planning
- Grazing/Rangeland Assessments
- Standards and Guides and Trend Analysis
- Natural resources inventory and Rangeland Health Assessments
- Land conservation plans
- Fuels and Fire Management
- Wildland-urban Interface Hazard Analysis and mitigation planning
- Fire management planning
- Fire Behavior Analysis
- National Fire Plan compliance
North Wind is qualified and proficient in waste management. For example, at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Idaho National Laboratory (INL), North Wind has provided hazardous waste determinations, waste packaging, data validation and verification, characterization and profile preparation, and head space gas sampling and analysis. North Wind examined approximately 6,000 cubic meters of transuranic (TRU) waste from the INL prior to shipment to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) in New Mexico. North Wind is skilled at creating Sampling and Analysis Plans, Quality Project Plans, and shipping documentation for projects involved with waste shipment and disposal.
- Waste sampling, characterization, and shipping
- Characterization, excavation, packaging and shipping, transportation, documentation, and off-site disposal of radioactive, hazardous, mixed, and industrial waste
- Waste Transportation, Documentation, and Preparation
- RCRA, NEPA, CERCLA, Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), Department of Transportation, and Other Regulatory Compliance Support
- Solid, Hazardous, Low-level, TRU, Mixed, and TSCA Waste Disposition and Management
- Waste Management and Minimization
- Pollution Prevention Strategies and Plans
- Regulatory Permitting, Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (RI/FS), and Work Plans
- Acceptable and Process Knowledge Development
- Data Generation Validation and Verification
- Temporary and Satellite Accumulation Areas
- Hazardous Waste Determinations
North Wind Radiological and Waste Services is a division of North Wind Portage, Inc. that specializes in providing innovative and comprehensive solutions to complex hazardous and radiological remediation, D&D, and waste management challenges. North Wind Radiological and Waste Services provides a full suite of compliance, technical, and engineering support services to customers across the U.S. and internationally. We take pride in partnering with our clients and customers to overcome project challenges and to ensure their objectives are met to their complete satisfaction.
CLICK HERE to view the Radiation Detection and Industrial Hygiene Instrumentation Rentals Catalog.
North Wind instrumentation facility rents, calibrates, and repairs Radiation Detection (RAD), Industrial Hygiene (IH), and air monitoring instruments of all makes and models from a variety of manufacturers.
North Wind staffs experienced full-service instrumentation technicians. Our team provides the highest quality services for most major manufacturers' models. All calibrations are performed with the requirements of ASNI N323AB-2013 and ISO 17025-2017, unless otherwise requested.
Our inventory is consistently expanding, and we strive to accommodate the exact instrumentation needs of our customers.
CLICK HERE to view the Radiation Detection and Industrial Hygiene Instrumentation Rentals Catalog.
In assessing soil contamination, North Wind brings unparalleled expertise to projects. The company owns both ultraviolet optical screening tool (UVOST) and x-ray fluorescence (XRF) systems for soil screening. UVOST’s laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) technique, in conjunction with direct push deployment, yields a detailed 3D map of the non-aqueous phase liquid (NAPL) distribution, in real time – offering a true “seek and find” adaptive site characterization capability, as promoted by EPA’s TRIAD approach. In 2012, the company completed one of the largest UVOST screening projects ever conducted to date in Alaska. On this project, North Wind drill rigs completed more than 1,450 UVOST soil borings – which equates to almost 4 miles drilled!
North Wind also utilizes an AMS Power Probe 9630 VTR-M, one of the most versatile direct push rigs available today. Our VTR-M is mounted on a Bobcat Mini Track Loader, making it easily transported by either trailer or aircraft to remote locations. The rig is only 3 feet wide, making almost any site accessible, and the rugged rubber tracks of the VTR-M Power Probe keep this rig moving when soil conditions get soft, wet, or muddy with minimal disturbance to the work site. In addition, our VTR-M has one of the most powerful hammers on the market, with 22,000 pounds of pull-down force and 27,000 pounds of pull-up force – more than enough power to complete most direct-push projects.
North Wind excels at project delivery in extremely remote locations, including areas accessible only by barge, helicopter, or plane and with no local services.

featured project
Luckey Formalized Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) – Luckey, OH
The 40-acre Luckey Site is in the remedial action phase. The site is contaminated with beryllium, radium-226, thorium-230, uranium-234, uranium-238, and lead. North Wind began shipping FUSRAP-related material from Luckey in June 2018 for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Buffalo District. The project excavates, packages, transports, and disposes approximately 1,155 tons of contaminated soil per week.