Construction services
North Wind provides a wide range of construction services to a multitude of customers, including state and federal government agencies and commercial and private business. North Wind has a strong construction project history on heavy civil, site remediation and reclamation, demolition, and vertical construction and facility renovation projects across the nation.
Examples of our projects include: repairing damage to the USS Arizona Memorial Floating Dock for the National Park Service (NPS) in Honolulu, Hawaii; providing technical, construction, and remedial services to the Coeur d’Alene Trust and the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (IDEQ) to address Coeur d’Alene Basin metals contamination in surface water, groundwater, mine drainage, tailings, and soils; performing the building design, fabrication, erection, construction inspection, and quality verification for the Accelerated Retrieval Project VII building and ancillary facilities for the Department of Energy (DOE) at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL); providing design and/or build services for two landfills in Los Alamos, New Mexico; and various renovation and vertical construction projects for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) throughout the United States.
Our Services
North Wind has performed construction services for numerous clients, including the U.S. Forest Service, the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG), the DOE, and for a private client at the Naval Reactors Facility at INL.
North Wind provided complete services for the design/build/construction of the Accelerated Retrieval Project-VII retrieval structure at the INL, as well as performed road and parking lot repair projects for the DOE.
North Wind’s vertical construction services include:
- Design-build/design-bid-build
- Renovation/secured space
- Site work and underground utilities
- Direct-hire building construction (steel and concrete)
- Project and construction management
- Heavy industrial construction
- Energy efficient/green construction
- Recreational facilities
- Fuels construction
Our vertical construction projects have included water system and campground improvements for the U.S. Forest Service; designing and building a small administration building and performing extensive lead abatement in huge warehouses for the USCG; providing design-build services and performing the construction to relocate the BAK-12 aircraft arresting system for the U.S. Air Force at Mountain Home Air Force Base, Idaho; and Addition and Alteration of the Field Training Detachment at Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska.
For more than 15 years, North Wind has provided heavy civil and remedial construction services. North Wind completed the East Mission Flats Repository in North Idaho and continues to perform the annual operations and maintenance. North Wind also provided the construction services for the Los Alamos Municipal Landfill Closure for Los Alamos County, New Mexico; and completed the reclamation of the abandoned Snowshoe Mine and reconstructed the stream channel within a 3-year schedule ending in 2009 for the Montana Department of Environmental Quality.
- Repository construction, operation, and maintenance
- Environmental remediation and mine reclamation
- Floodplain, habitat, and water quality improvements
- Landfill closures
- Road construction
- Site demolition and reconstruction
- Levee construction
- Construction management and quality controls oversight
Decontamination and demolition (D&D) activities are a specialty of North Wind. Large-scale abatement, decommissioning, and demolition have become core competencies of North Wind performing over 75 large-scale facility abatements and demolitions across the country at government sites over the past 5 years. North Wind has developed the capabilities to plan and execute large-scale demolitions of complex and contaminated facilities in a safe and compliant manner.
Additionally, North Wind performs radiological decontamination and/or stabilization in support of demolition or free release. Within the past 5 years, North Wind has decontaminated over 250,000 square feet of floor space, over 1 million square feet of overhead space (e.g., walls, structural steel, ceilings, etc.), and has performed selective decontamination or application of fixative to radiological contamination in more than 18 facilities to support open-air demolition.
North Wind maintains a Radioactive Materials License (#201-785-90), issued from the State of Kentucky (a Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Agreement State), that allows us to take possession of radioactive materials in the performance of decontamination, demolition, reclamation, and/or site restoration activities – allowing us to provide our clients with turn-key radiological D&D services.
- Site characterization
- Demolition work plans
- Health and safety plans
- Health and safety training
- Environmental permits
- Industrial Hygiene (IH)
- Quality assurance/quality control
- Radioactive and hazardous waste remediation
- Waste management
- Health and safety oversight
- Waste minimization/waste and debris recycling
- Demolition project management
- Confirmation sampling
- Site release
- Salvage Services
North Wind has Fuels Services experience ranging from:
- Underground & Aboveground storage tank decommissioning/installation
- Program planning and funding documents
- Excavation and site reclamation
- System commissioning
- QA/QC inspections
- Civil and underground construction
- API 653 & API 570 inspection services
- Systems optimization
- Fuel dispensing systems
- Fuel containment and storage
To learn more about North Wind Fuels Services, click here

featured project
Advanced Manufacturing Collaborative Building at University of Southern Carolina (USC) Aiken – Aiken, SC
The Advanced Manufacturing Collaborative (AMC) will be a $50 million-dollar, 60,000-square-foot, state-of-the-art innovation hub for manufacturing, fostering modern industrial practices, advancing new technologies, and training the future manufacturing workforce focusing on chemical and materials manufacturing. The AMC combines the unique capabilities of the Department of Energy’s (DOE) National Laboratories, industrial enterprises, and educational institutions such as USC Aiken to drive the long-term sustainability of the U.S. manufacturing sector.