Luckey, Ohio
North Wind Site Services provided the deconstruction, size reduction, packaging, and shipment of seven potentially radiological, beryllium, lead, and asbestos contaminated buildings, totaling over 106,000 SF, on the Luckey Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) Site.
Due to the nature of the contaminants, field personnel used powered air-purified respirators (PAPRs) and a robust air monitoring system consisting of personal breathing zone, general work area, and perimeter monitors for site contaminants. Total Suspended Particulate monitoring and asbestos monitors were also used to verify the effectiveness of engineering controls. The engineering controls consisted of a series of water misters, water trucks, and a 60-foot “boom mister” to ensure potential dust generated was knocked down at the source. Personnel also utilized a hydro-seeder attachment to apply fixative onto debris piles to minimize dust emissions while also eliminating the requirement for personnel to enter the contamination zones.
- Size-reduced concrete, brick, steel, wood, and general debris using heavy equipment with shears and processors, to ensure maximum volume per waste package, thereby minimizing shipping costs
- Used BeFinder® instruments to perform rapid analysis (4-hour) of contamination swipes for waste containers to eliminate delays from shipping samples to an off-site laboratory with an average three-day turnaround time
- Collected more than 8,190 industrial-hygiene beryllium samples and 1,900 air samples analyzed for beryllium, lead, and radiological contaminants
- Worked with the local Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW) to ensure all radiological and chemical parameters were met and obtained a POTW discharge permit
- Included long-term sampling and monitoring of 22 groundwater monitoring wells for radiological and chemical contamination—following analysis, detailed reports were prepared and provided to USACE
- Developed an as-left condition report with a work summary, maps, and analytical data evaluation to be used for future characterization efforts conducted by USACE