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Greenbuy Program Award

North Wind Projects Receive GreenBuy Awards from DOE

Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant (PORTS) and Moab Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action (UMTRA) projects are the recipients of Department of Energy (DOE) GreenBuy Awards for fiscal year 2021 by purchasing Priority Products in multiple categories. 

PORTS was the recipient of a Bronze Level GreenBuy Award for fiscal year (FY) 2021 by purchasing four Priority Products in two categories.

The Moab UMTRA project received two GreenBuy Awards: A Gold Level for purchasing a minimum of 9 products in at least 5 categories, and Prime Award (4th Gold Level = Prime Award) in FY 2021.

DOE’s Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security launched the voluntary GreenBuy Award Program in FY 2010, to recognize DOE sites for excellence in sustainable, or “green,” purchasing that meets and extends beyond the minimum compliance requirements. 

All Federal agencies, including DOE, are required to purchase products that are energy efficient, water efficient, and made from biobased or recycled content material. To help navigate these numerous, and sometimes overlapping, requirements DOE developed a Priority Products List. The Priority Products List is the backbone of the GreenBuy Award Program because it helps DOE sites readily identify products with leading and verifiable sustainability attributes.

Portsmouth Mission Alliance (PMA) is proud to have played a role in PORTS receiving this recognition. North Wind Dynamics is the current contractor for the Portsmouth Infrastructure Support Services (PORTS ISS) contract and is committed to the continued procurement of sustainable, or “green,” products that meet and extend beyond the minimum compliance requirements.

“Our North Wind Dynamics team has done a great job of focusing on green purchasing, which really contributes to our overall environmental sustainability at the site,” said Matt Miller, CSP, ESH&Q Manager for North Wind Dynamics.

North Wind Portage is also proud to have played a role in the Moab UMTRA project receiving these awards. 

Congratulations to both teams for a job well done!

For more information, visit the following DOE websites: