Moab UMTRA Project Ships Largest Trainloads to Date
Under North Wind Portage’s leadership, the Moab Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action (UMTRA) project is transporting more residual radioactive material (RRM) per week for disposal than it ever has before.
Last year, the site reached the milestone of shipping 10M tons of RRM by shipping up to 576 containers each week. The project recently completed additional infrastructure improvements, allowing it to incorporate three additional railcars, making it possible to ship an additional 24 containers each week.
To read more on this expansion, view the article on the Department of Energy Office of Environmental Management’s site here.
“Congratulations to our project team and their commitment to improving efficiency, accelerating closure, reducing costs, and maintaining safety and compliance on this challenging project. We are excited to reach and surpass the milestone of remediating 11M tons later this month,” said Jeff Scott, President of North Wind Portage.