Moab hits the 11 Million Milestone
On Monday, October 19th, North Wind Portage relocated another million tons of contaminated soil and debris away from the Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action (UMTRA) Project Site in Moab, Utah. This makes the total, to date, at 11 million tons of mill tailing to have been disposed.
In addition to reaching this milestone just one year after reaching 10 million, the North Wind Portage employees at Moab have exceeded 1,500 work days without a lost-time injury or illness.
“The ability to adapt to this year’s changing conditions and continue safe operations through these uncertain times is to be commended. Everyone who has contributed to this milestone, and the continues success of this project, can be proud of what they have accomplished.”
–Greg Church, Moab UMTRA Project Manager
To read the full article from the DOE, click here.
Congratulations on a job well done!