North Wind Los Alamos Receives Pollution Prevention Award
The Los Alamos Pollution Prevention Awards Program recognized North Wind for their pollution prevention contributions on the Regional Monitoring Well CdV-16-4ip project and the conduct of subsurface aquifer testing and monitoring:
Water from a hydrologic test was contaminated with high explosives. The water was contained and treated on-site by sending the water through a granular-activated carbon filter. More than 340,000 gallons of water were contained and treated on-site by sending the water through a special filter. Analyses determined that many of the contaminants were captured by the filter and that the concentration of contaminants in the filtered water had been reduced sufficiently to allow for land application. The project saved the Laboratory more than $650,000 in off-site waste disposal and other related costs. Not only did the project save money, but it also removed contaminants from the deep aquifer and promoted vegetal growth.
Congratulations to the North Wind Pollution Prevention team!