North Wind Dynamics Receives DOE VPP Award
Congratulations to the North Wind Dynamics team for being awarded their second Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) Legacy of Stars Award!
North Wind Dynamics is one of six DOE Environmental Management contractors to have been presented with the Legacy of Stars award, which is awarded to sites that have achieved the Star of Excellence award for four consecutive years.
The Star of Excellence award is awarded to sites that maintain an injury and illness rate at least 75% below the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics industry average, actively mentor other companies, and demonstrate strong community involvement.
Regarding the recent recognition from VPP, Brent Clark, President of North Wind Dynamics, said “I couldn’t be prouder of the Portsmouth Team! Safety, from day 1, has always been a priority. It doesn’t matter the title of the employee or the role they play, they know that everyone has the same responsibility and authority to ensure everyone is safe. A huge thank you to everyone at the Portsmouth Site!”
The DOE’s Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) has awarded the company four Star of Excellence awards and two Legacy of Star awards.
*Pictured: North Wind Dynamics’ ESH&Q Manager Matt Miller proudly accepting the second Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) Legacy of Stars Award at the recent VPPPA Conference from Alfred G. Traylor, Director, DOE Office of Worker Safety & Health Assistance.