Success at Luckey Cleanup Site
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Buffalo District released an update about North Wind Portage, Inc.’s success at the Luckey Project in Ohio:
“We are excited to provide you an update on the progress being made in cleaning up the Luckey Site under the Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP). Between the time excavation started through October, our contractor, North Wind Portage, Inc., excavated 6,293 cubic yards of soils from the southwest corner of the site near the intersection of Luckey Road and Gilbert Road. This volume represents approximately 15 percent of the total volume of waste estimated in the Phase 1 area, and about 4 percent of the total volume estimated for cleanup of the entire site.”
“North Wind Portage is very excited about the progress we have made in remediating this challenging and unique site. We have developed an excellent team and a great partnership with the Corps of Engineers to ensure the work is performed safely, compliantly, and with the ultimate objective of protecting the health and safety of the public,” Jeff Scott, North Wind Portage President.
North Wind Portage has transported 336 truckloads, over 24,360 miles safely travelled to the disposal facility since June 26, 2018. To date, 315,448 gallons of water were pumped from the excavation area or collected from the drains in the soil stockpile pads and treated by the on-site water treatment system. Seventy-three percent of the treated water was reused for dust suppression and 27 percent of the treated water was discharged into the ditch on Luckey Road.
Air monitors that are set up around the perimeter of the site have not detected any contamination moving off-site since the cleanup began.
“We are extremely proud of our team at the Luckey Project. Their dedication to a positive safety culture and ingenuity for troubleshooting has led this project in the right direction for long term success,” said Chris Leichtweis, North Wind Group President/CEO.
For more details from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, click
For more details from The Press Publication in Toledo, OH, click