Michael Baker International/North Wind Resource Consulting Awarded FEMA Processing Services Contract
Alexandria, VA – The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) recently awarded North Wind Resource Partners Joint Venture (NWRP) a technical services contract to support FEMA’s National MT-1 Processing Services project. NWRP is a U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA)-certified small business joint venture, comprised of North Wind Resource Consulting, LLC and Michael Baker, Jr., Inc., (a Michael Baker International company). NWRP qualifies for small business status through the special provisions of the SBA-approved Mentor-Protégé agreement between the SBA, North Wind Resource Consulting and Baker. The task order-based contract consists of one base year plus four, one-year options and is valued at $30.1 million.
NWRP will provide technical services to support FEMA’s National MT-1 Processing Services project in support of FEMA’s Risk Mapping, Assessment and Planning Program. MT-1 Processing Services allows property owners to submit scientific or technical data to FEMA to determine the mandatory flood insurance purchase requirement for their property.
“We look forward to working with Michael Baker International through this joint venture to support FEMA’s MT-1 processing services,” said Jace Fahnestock, President of North Wind Resource Consulting. “This project integrates Baker’s extensive history working with FEMA and North Wind’s outstanding GIS expertise. Furthermore, it integrates best practices from both small business and large business to benefit FEMA.”
Michael Baker International, LLC is a leading global provider of engineering and consulting services including planning, architectural, environmental, construction, program management, and full life cycle support services as well as information technology and communications services and solutions. The company has more than 5,000 employees in over 90 offices located across the U.S. and internationally, and is ranked as the 26th largest design firm in the U.S. by Engineering News-Record.
North Wind is one of the nation’s leading small businesses providing engineering, construction, environmental, and technical services to federal and state agencies and private industry. Founded in 1997, North Wind has grown to a group of companies that employs almost 400 scientific, engineering, management, construction and professional personnel. Since 2009, North Wind has been a wholly-owned subsidiary of Cook Inlet Region, Inc., an Alaska Native Corporation. North Wind is headquartered in Idaho Falls, Idaho, and operates from more than 20 office locations throughout the country.
For more information, visit the North Wind web site at www.northwindgrp.com or the Michael Baker International website atwww.mbakerintl.com.