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ornl-photoIdaho Falls, Idaho –North Wind Group is pleased to announce that North Wind Construction Services(NWCS) was awarded the Miscellaneous Dismantling, Demolition and Removal (DDR) basic ordering agreement (BOA) contract from UT-Battelle for work at the at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) in Oak Ridge, TN.

“NWCS offers a solution uniquely catered to the needs of UT-Battelle,” said Jeff Scott, Eastern Regional Manager, North Wind Group. “We look forward to performing task orders to contribute to UT-Battelle’s mission of modernizing facilities and infrastructure at the national laboratory.”

NWCS brings key personnel with decades of experience working at ORNL and is teamed with Alliant Corporation and Performance Abatement Services.

The contract, which is scheduled to be complete in May 2021, has a ceiling of $24 million and NWCS will compete with two companies for task orders.Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is a government owned facility managed by UT-Battelle, LLC, for the Department of Energy (DOE) Oak Ridge, TN.

North Wind is one of the nation’s leading small businesses providing engineering, construction, environmental, and technical services to federal and state agencies and private industry. Founded in 1997, North Wind has grown to a group of companies that employs more than 730 scientific, engineering, management and professional personnel. Since 2010, North Wind has been a wholly-owned subsidiary of Cook Inlet Region, Inc., an Alaska Native Corporation. North Wind is headquartered in Idaho Falls, Idaho, and operates from 20 office locations throughout the country.